
Positioning E.ON as the voice of urgency on Britain’s road to sustainability.

E.ON has long been a champion of sustainability in the energy sector, equipping homes, businesses and cities with sustainable energy. At a time when others are just beginning to dip their toe in the sustainability waters and set far off targets for sustainable energy, E.ON decided to put a stake in the ground and bring urgency to the greatest threat humanity faces. Not by 2030. Not by next year. Today. 

In doing so, E.ON wanted to increase unaided brand awareness and increase awareness of E.ON EV charging solutions.


Impatience is a virtue. 

We created a hero film which, rather than greenwashed or scaremongered, dramatised a behaviour that we can all be guilty of: ignoring the obvious signs around us. 

Our 60 second film, launched across TV and Cinema, unexpectedly shows politicians, businesspeople and homeowners on melting ice caps, on flooded streets and burning forests.

Each of them nonchalantly sings the refrain from the Irma Thomas song “Time Is On My Side”, as their focus remains locked on other things. As the climate crisis–induced scenes escalate, we finally see one woman realise the urgency of the situation. The film resolves with the positive view of the future E.ON is striving to bring about, through sustainable energy solutions for homes, business and cities.

The campaign built through DOOH, print and social, where the specific sustainable technology E.ON can offer came to the fore. Solar panels, EV chargers and air source heat pumps featured against positive nature-filled backgrounds, with headlines that continue the urgent rallying cry of “It’s Time”

Producing a carbon removed production. 

To ensure the production had as little carbon impact as possible, we used a combination of solar powered studios, a responsibly sourced wardrobe, recycled rather than re-filled water tanks and kept travel and shoot attendees to an absolute minimum. Every partner involved also had a clear commitment to sustainability. Checklists were used to track the entire process from the carpenters to the caterers and after all carbon reductions were made, the entire production’s carbon footprint was calculated with any remaining carbon output offset.





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020 3128 8000 [email protected]