Finland for a Smart, Sustainable Future Style

The Context

To elevate Finland's international image and showcase its expertise in health, technology, and the circular economy, we implemented a campaign leveraging current events.

Our Approach

Highlighting Stability and Wellbeing:

As the US election and Brexit unfolded, we positioned Finland as an attractive alternative for global talent seeking a stable and peaceful environment. We emphasized Finland's strong social democracy, high trust culture, robust healthcare system, and commitment to technological advancement. This campaign secured media coverage and attracted skilled professionals to Finnish companies.

Showcasing Technological Leadership:

  • When Finland acquired the first Nordic quantum computer, we capitalized on this news to showcase Finnish innovation. We posed a thought-provoking question: "Could quantum computing help us combat future pandemics?" This approach generated media interest and secured interviews for VTT spokespeople, further establishing Finland's leadership in cutting-edge technology.

Promoting Sustainability Through Innovation:

  • Inspired by Finland's "Wood City" initiative, we envisioned a future where wood replaces traditional materials. This campaign sparked conversation about the potential of the circular economy and positioned Finland as a leader in sustainable solutions. By showcasing this innovative project, we fostered interest in Finnish expertise in eco-friendly technologies.

Our Results

This innovative, features-led approach to media positioned Finnish healthcare, technology and circular economy solutions as smart, sustainable and safe.  

Showing #Finlandworks to international investors, talent and consumer / B2B audiences was a vital message for a world in crisis, reaching 72 million.

Total campaign impressions


Finland for a Smart, Sustainable Future Style

As the US election and Brexit unfolded, we positioned Finland as an attractive alternative for global talent seeking a stable and peaceful environment. We emphasized Finland's strong social democracy, high trust culture, robust healthcare system, and commitment to technology.

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Citizen Relations

+447973673074 [email protected]